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Spring cleaning? Check out Habitat for Humanity Victoria’s Donate and Save program!
Refresh your space at ReStore!
Spring cleaning? Check out Habitat for Humanity Victoria’s Donate and Save program! image

Warmer, sunnier days likely have you thinking about tackling a little spring cleaning – especially after spending more time than ever before at home! 

If you’re hoping to press refresh on your space, Habitat For Humanity is here to help make it easier – and more rewarding – with their Donate and Save initiative. 

For each donation, you’ll receive a stamp card with discounts on ReStore shopping. The first stamp offers a 5 per cent discount and the amount increases with every subsequent stamp – so beyond the value of donating, you’ll also reap the rewards!

If the possibility of discounts doesn’t have you scanning your home to see what it’s time to part with, the next three reasons might.

Why donate to Habitat for Humanity?  

  1.  It supports the charity: When you make a donation to the Habitat ReStore it allows the charity to continue to give local families a hand-up into affordable homeownership. Building homes would not be possible without your donations. “The donations we receive from our ReStore customers are an essential part of our funding, they allow us to cover our operational costs so the money we raise can all go back into the local community. As with other charity retailers, COVID has impacted our product donations, we really want to encourage people to drop off reusable items when they can so we can continue our program,” says Kelly King, Director of Communications and Giving at Habitat For Humanity Victoria.
  2.  It’s sustainable: Reuse, reduce and recycle – a trip to the Habitat ReStore can have you doing all three! When you make a donation, you’re effectively recycling your furniture and building materials and allowing someone else to reuse them, all the while reducing your waste. You can divert your furnishings from ending up in landfills – making it a very green activity.
  3.  It’s fun: Taking advantage of your new discounts and browsing the store floor can make for a fun and productive afternoon! Grab a friend and challenge each other to see who can find the most unique piece – you never know what you may find. You can also test your creativity by reinventing and repurposing pieces – an old bed frame could be transformed into the perfect bench, for example.

Whether you’re making a trip to the Habitat ReStore to drop something off or to pick something up, you’ll feel good knowing you’re making a difference (while also enjoying some great deals!). Visit them online to learn more!